A pamphlet recently sent from the Department of Health and Human Services to seniors allegedly contains “accurate information about the new services and benefits to help you and your family now and in the future”; however, according to Arizona Senator Jon Kyl, a review of the pamphlet’s contents reveals this statement to be anything but accurate.


“One of the main arguments for both RomneyCare (the health care law Massachusetts enacted in 2006) and ObamaCare (the federal law enacted in March of this year) is that once the government mandates that everyone purchase health insurance, premiums will fall due to broader pooling. A new study published by the Forum for Health Economics & Policy suggests the opposite.”


In light of ObamaCare’s plans to cut over $500 billion from Medicare, the continued support that the overhaul has received from the AARP — first in helping to get it passed and now in assisting with its marketing post-passage — may seem rather odd. But when a series of advantages afforded to the powerful seniors’ lobby by the legislation are taken into account, the reason for AARP’s allegiance no longer seems so mysterious.


“A June Health Affairs briefing on the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) showed just how deep the chasm is between many of Washington’s policy experts and ordinary Americans… While Washington is focused on convincing states to take federal government grants, ordinary Americans are worried about keeping existing coverage. While Washington policy experts wants to make the PPACA work, most American voters want it repealed.”


“Most health policies that cover small groups and individuals in Florida – including the state’s own Cover Florida plan – likely will flunk federal requirements that take effect in September, the governor’s office says. “


Ohio taxpayers will be on the hook for $1.45 billion in new Medicaid spending over 10 years as part of the unfunded mandates of ObamaCare. This new spending comes as the state faces a $8 billion budget shortfall over the next two years.


House Republicans created a report card for ObamaCare 90 days in, cataloguing the failing grades the bill received on issues like costs to families, job creation, and deficit reduction.


Create a temporary reinsurance program for employers providing health insurance coverage to retirees over age 55 who are not eligible for Medicare. (Effective 90 days following enactment until January 1, 2014)


Establish a temporary national high-risk pool to provide health coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. (Effective 90 days following enactment until January 1, 2014)


Empowering patients with consumer-driven health care is a proven way to reduce the growth in medical costs. ObamaCare empowers government agencies and insurance companies instead of consumers by restricting the ability and of patients to take ownership of their health care decisions. “Rising health care costs represent the largest threat to the nation’s fiscal solvency, and unfortunately, Obamacare does little to change that. But empowering consumers can cut costs.”
