Obamacare Watch
Obamacare Watch
Obamacare Watch
Obamacare Watch
Obamacare Watch

The IRS Can Save American Health CareJuly 2, 2018Regina Herzlinger and Joel Klein
Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Hopes to Offer Members Health InsuranceJune 27, 2018Jessie Bekker
Should States Allow Insurers to Offer Bare-Bones Health Plans With Fewer Mandated Benefits?June 25, 2018Doug Badger
Michigan Governor Signs Controversial Medicaid Work Requirement BillJune 25, 2018Peter Sullivan
Is Statewide Single-Payer Feasible, or Is It Just California Dreamin’?July 2, 2018Sally Pipes
ObamaCare Can Be Worse Than MedicaidJune 27, 2018John C. Goodman
Canadians Are One in a Million — While Waiting for Medical TreatmentJune 20, 2018Sally Pipes
Take-Up, Drop-Out, and Spending in ACA MarketplacesJune 13, 2018Diamond, Dickstein, et al.
Judge Strikes Down Kentucky’s Medicaid Work RulesJuly 2, 2018Abby Goodnough
CMS to Increase Oversight of Medicaid Enrollment, Managed-Care PlansJune 28, 2018Virgil Dickson
Federal Government Doesn’t Have to Pay Billions to Health Insurers, Court RulesJune 15, 2018Armour and Kendall
State Spending on Medicaid Expected to Significantly Slow in Short TermJune 14, 2018Kimberly Leonard
GOP Tries to Balance Focus on Health Care Costs, ACA RepealJune 25, 2018Caitlin Owens
Opinion: To Keep Drug Costs Low, Think Competition, Not Price ControlsJune 25, 2018Sen. Orrin G. Hatch
Reversal of Fortune: Obamacare Rate Hikes Pose Headache for RepublicansJune 25, 2018Paul Demko
D.C. Obamacare Insurers Seek Double-Digit Premium Hikes, Minnesota Expects DropJune 20, 2018Robert King