“From 1990 to 1995, we served as public trustees for Social Security and
Medicare. As a Democrat and a Republican (now an independent), we worked
together on a professional and nonpartisan basis with the other trustees – the
secretaries of health and human services, labor and Treasury – to ensure the
integrity and credibility of the annual reports on these critically important
social insurance programs. [T]he conclusions expressed in this year’s Medicare
report were, to our minds, based on unreasonable assumptions that produced
unrealistic and misleading results. The unwarrantedly optimistic report could
produce a serious misunderstanding of the true financial condition of Medicare
and result in significant public confusion.”

“Fewer than 2 million of the nation’s 6 million companies with employees qualify
for the small-business tax credits included in the new health insurance reform
law, says the National Federation of Independent Business. The law’s supporters
had projected that twice as many small businesses would qualify for the tax

Doctor-owned hospitals were virtually banned by ObamaCare, making them the
“biggest losers in federal health care reform.” Existing ones are looking to
merge, or be acquired by existing hospital systems, restricting choice and
competition in the market.

The Florida chapter of the American Medical Association expressed “no
confidence” in the national organization for their endorsement of and
campaigning on behalf of ObamaCare.

Many doctors acquire their own imaging equipment so they can conduct CT scans,
MRIs, and other services directly in their office without an outside referral.
They say this allows them to better treat their patients in a more timely and
efficient manner. ObamaCare put new regulations on doctors providing
self-referrals, because bureaucrats mistrust the motives of doctors, believing
them to be ordering wasteful, extra tests.