Proclaiming that “The American people asked Congress and President Obama not to pass the massive healthcare overhaul,” House Minority Leader John Boehner and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor have signed onto two separate discharge petitions aimed at repealing ObamaCare.
Institute a new tax of 10% on the amount paid for indoor tanning services.
As this chart visually demonstrates, the Congressional Budget Office projects that the total costs of the Senate health-care bill, which eventually became law (in tandem with the Reconciliation Act), are about $2.5 trillion — more than double the tally that the Democrats cite.
Authorize the Food and Drug Administration to approve generic versions of biologic drugs and grant biologics manufacturers 12 years of exclusive use before generics can be developed.
Support comparative effectiveness research by establishing a non-profit Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.
Establish a commissioned Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps for service in time of a national emergency.
Reauthorize and amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.
Establish the Workforce Advisory Committee to develop a national workforce strategy.
Increase workforce supply and support training of health professionals through scholarships and loans.