“The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) has signed at least 2 PR contracts to promote the president’s landmark Affordable Care Act. HHS signed a $20 million deal to raise awareness of new coverage for preventive services, and a separate $3 million contract is focused on the federally run insurance exchange, which will begin operating in 2014. Ways and Means Republicans previously requested documents about the PR work, but said the administration failed to respond.”

“Republican Gov. Phil Bryant says the 2010 federal health care overhaul is slowing Mississippi’s economy because business owners are confused about how much it will cost them to meet demands of the law.”

“At the inception of ObamaCare, then Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Congress had to ‘pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.’ And now we have found out. Filled with new entitlements and symbolic hand-outs, the true impact of this extraordinarily damaging law has only just surfaced in advance of its most destructive effects to come. Only the voters can stop it.”

“Officials in California want prime-time TV shows to help promote President Obama’s healthcare law.
Outreach to television producers is part of the marketing plan adopted by California’s insurance exchange — a new marketplace, created by the Affordable Care Act, where individuals and small businesses will be able to buy private insurance.”

“A House subcommittee late Tuesday passed legislation that would exempt commissions paid to insurance agents to find health policies in the individual and small group markets from the medical loss ratio calculation mandated under the healthcare reform law.”

“Here in Charlotte, they might be called the No-Show Health Care Caucus. They are 10 Democrats running for Congress whom the National Republican Campaign Committee has identified as particularly vulnerable on President Barack Obama’s health care reform law. So vulnerable that they opted to stay home and campaign this week rather than come to their party’s convention. So vulnerable that most of them wouldn’t even talk about the health care law by phone.”

“The first night of the Democratic National Convention was filled with references to the “Affordable Care Act” and its many wonders: Where being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition. Where birth control is free. Where employers no longer have a say in your health care (really?). Where there are no limits on health costs your insurance must cover. Where 26-year-olds can stay on their parents’ policies. Strange that we didn’t hear about the parts of the law that are barreling down at us and are ready to hit with full force in 2014.”

“In the wake of the Supreme Court’s hairsplitting decision to uphold Obamacare, Republicans in Congress have redoubled our efforts to get this monstrosity off the books. If the court won’t do it, we must. The rationale for such a vote is obvious. When Obamacare first passed, no one knew what its full impact would be. Even Nancy Pelosi famously said we’d have to pass the bill to find out what was in it.”

“Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney signed a pledge Wednesday to repeal, defund and otherwise thwart President Obama’s healthcare law. Two conservative groups — Independent Women’s Voice and American Action Majority — are spearheading the ‘Repeal Pledge’ effort.”

“But if history is any guide, there will be one other inescapable truth: The Affordable Health Care for America Act of 2010 will generate the same unintended consequences that have shaped, distorted, and even perverted so many other important pieces of legislation in our nation’s history.”