The assurances given to hesitant Democratic lawmakers that ObamaCare would gain popularity over time seem to have been wishful thinking, as a solid majority of Americans have registered their discontent toward the overhaul in the two months since its passage, and as it’s becoming increasingly apparent that Americans aren’t too eager to follow in Europe’s social-democratic footsteps.

With private websites like already offering services to assist those looking to purchase health insurance, ObamaCare’s Health Benefit Exchanges would simply be a waste of taxpayer dollars.

As a doctor writes, government-run health care means less freedom for doctors and fewer procedures approved for patients — and it makes even insurance-based private care seem comparatively patient-centered, generous, and flexible.

ObamaCare is the embodiment of President Obama’s rejection of the American Founding principles of limited government, of American exceptionalism, and of the notion of self-evident truths.


“The Obama administration’s inept handling of the oil leak foreshadows what will happen when hapless government bureaucrats begin administering our healthcare.”

While ObamaCare doesn’t explicitly declare that it would fund abortions with taxpayer dollars, its end run around Hyde Amendment protections would provide that result — which is why Planned Parenthood is declaring “victory” in the wake of ObamaCare’s passage.

ObamaCare’s preferential treatment of unions, both in the law’s textual language and in the Obama administration’s rulings in implementing it, is further evidence of how ObamaCare would politicize medicine. 

Though President Obama has repeatedly asserted that he is opposed to instituting British-style, government-run health care in America, his nomination of Dr. Donald Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under ObamaCare suggests otherwise. Dr. Berwick has continually professed his “love” for a British health-care system that doesn’t remotely offer the high-level quality of care received in the United States.

The international law firm of Sonnenschein, Nath, & Rosenthal has produced a list of ObamaCare’s key provisions.

ObamaCare appears to have one grandfathered standard for union bosses and another standard for everyone else.