The House voted Friday on the measure that passed the Senate, part of a process that will make it easier for a subsequent Obamacare repeal bill to advance through the Senate with a simple majority vote and without the threat of a Democratic filibuster. The budget resolution is a crucial first step for Republicans controlling…


A growing number of Republicans are balking at the prospect of repealing the ACA so quickly without a firm plan to replace it. Now with the Senate on a path to eliminate the ACA, some Republicans are worried about the political fallout and uncertainty of starting to roll back the law without knowing how the…


Industries that were integral to the creation of the ACA are keeping their voices down as Republicans quickly dismantle it. The speed of Republican efforts to repeal the ACA has stunned health industry lobbyists, leaving representatives of insurance companies, hospitals, doctors and pharmaceutical makers struggling for a response to a legislative quick strike that would upend much of the American health care system. Given that repeal…


While the budget passed early this morning won’t be signed into law, it must be approved by both chambers for committees to begin drafting reconciliation legislation. Reconciliation is one of the most powerful weapons in the majority’s procedural arsenal. Under reconciliation, bills are protected from the 60-vote filibuster so they can be passed through the…


The House Freedom Caucus decided Wednesday afternoon not to take an official position on the House budget, freeing up their members to vote however they want on a resolution crucial to repealing Obamacare, according to a source familiar with their deliberations. The budget is largely a procedural measure, but sets up a framework to repeal…


The U.S. public has been split in their views on the Affordable Care Act since the law was enacted in 2010, but what about those Americans who actually buy their health insurance through the federal program’s marketplaces? Although most Obamacare participants give high marks to their health coverage, a growing segment of ACA exchange users…


After eight years Republicans are finally in a position to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  Many caution that repeal without concomitant replacement will lead to chaos in the insurance markets with millions losing coverage.  These fears are overstated. Yet replacement should accompany repeal for another reason – to maximize the chance that a good replacement…


Even as senators began grinding through a budget resolution that sets up a repeal of the 2010 health care law, the timeline for striking President Barack Obama’s biggest legislative legacy appeared to be slipping. President-elect Donald Trump said at a news conference Wednesday in New York City that a plan to replace the Affordable Care…


The Senate voted 51-48 early this morning to advance a budget resolution starting the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act, with only Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) crossing party lines. Democrats forced roughly seven hours of mostly symbolic votes, and GOP senators withdrew an amendment that would have formally given more time to lawmakers crafting…
