Republicans have been winning elections for years by promising to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Now that the dog has caught the car, we have to know what to do with it. Republicans have captured the White House, and kept the House, Senate and a majority of the governors’ offices. There are no…


House and Senate Republican leaders are forging ahead with plans to repeal Obamacare then replace it later — dismissing mounting pressure from their own party to delay the repeal vote until they have a fully formed alternative. But they’re hoping to ease internal concerns that Republicans will be attacked for acting hastily — worries that…


Nearly two-thirds of registered voters say Congress should not repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement plan, a new Morning Consult/POLITICO poll finds.

President-elect Donald J. Trump demanded on Tuesday that Congress immediately repeal the Affordable Care Act and pass another health law quickly. His remarks put Republicans in the nearly impossible position of having only weeks to replace a health law that took nearly two years to pass. “We have to get to business,” Mr. Trump told…


After six years of pushing for a repeal of Obamacare, some on the right are now critiquing Congress’ effort for repeal. Their arguments do more to confuse the issue than to present a viable path forward for eliminating the harmful effects of this law. Congressional Republicans appear set to finally repeal Obamacare using reconciliation, a…


Last November, the American people voted for change in Washington. They elected Republican majorities to both chambers of Congress and elected a Republican president because, as a party, we pledged to fix the broken status quo of the past eight years. Reforming our dysfunctional federal government and restoring sanity to our nation’s capital starts with…


Liberals want to label the Republican repeal and replace effort a failure before the hard work even begins. There is a replace plan, but confusion is raging among the media, perhaps because its details and logic haven’t been explained in public. Congress has a narrow window to use the reconciliation measure early to repeal the…


The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that health care is among the top issues, with the economy and jobs and immigration, Americans want President-elect Donald Trump and the next Congress to address in 2017.

Growing numbers of Republicans showed discomfort Monday over obliterating President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul without having a replacement to show voters. Hoping to capitalize on the jitters, Democrats staged a late-night Senate talk-a-thon to condemn the GOP push. With Donald Trump just 12 days from entering the White House, Republicans have positioned a repeal…


Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), who chairs the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, laid out his ideal approach to repealing and replacing the ACA on the Senate floor Tuesday. Alexander argued for repealing the law once specific plans are in place and for giving states more authority. Alexander only wants to see Obamacare repealed once “there…
