With the nation’s largest health insurer exiting all but a few Affordable Care Act exchanges next year, some Americans may be left with fewer choices and some might see higher monthly premiums. Experts say that will be the upshot of UnitedHealth Group Inc.’s recent announcement that it will pull out of most of the 34…
DetailsSound fiscal policy is essential for sound governance. History shows that powerful nations that engage in reckless spending and borrowing eventually fall into periods of decline. It would be disastrous if the United States were to drift into such a slide. What’s needed are fundamental reforms that will change the direction of key programs in ways…
DetailsWhen President Obama described the Affordable Care Act’s health-insurance exchanges in late 2013, he declared they would create “more choice, more competition, [and] real health-care security” for millions of Americans. This hasn’t panned out. Nearly three years later, choice and competition have declined, a problem that is already set to worsen in 2017. UnitedHealth Group is…
DetailsIn late 2009 and early 2010, as the bills that became the ACA were being debated in Congress and nationwide, I was often asked – both in private conversations and media interviews – if the health care reform law was designed intentionally to fail, in order to demonstrate the “necessity” of a complete government takeover…
DetailsThe last thing Democrats want to contend with just a week before the 2016 presidential election is an outcry over double-digit insurance hikes as millions of Americans begin signing up for Obamacare. But that looks increasingly likely as health plans socked by Obamacare losses look to regain their financial footing by raising rates. Just a…
DetailsHouse Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said Friday that House Republicans would unveil their ObamaCare replacement plan sometime in the next 45 days. “The task force is working on it,” Brady said at a Bloomberg Government event. “We’ll be laying that out here over the next month and a half.” Republicans have…
DetailsWhen UnitedHealth, the nation’s largest health insurer, announced earlier this month that it would exit the Affordable Care Act exchange business in all but three states, the obvious question was, who’s next? After all, if the nation’s biggest health carrier can’t make the Obamacare exchanges profitable, who can? UnitedHealth announced it expects to lose $650…
DetailsFor years, voters in this swing state have rejected tax increases and efforts to expand government. But now they are flirting with a radical transformation: whether to abandon President Obama’s health care policy and instead create a new, taxpayer-financed public health system that guarantees coverage for everyone. The estimated $38-billion-a-year proposal, which will go before…
DetailsKey Findings: Health care is one of the top four issues mentioned by voters when asked which issues they most want to hear candidates discuss in the campaign, but half as many cite health care as mention the economy and jobs. When asked specifically what health care issues voters would most like to hear the…
DetailsExpect insurers to seek significant premium increases under President Barack Obama’s health care law, in a wave of state-level requests rippling across the country ahead of the political conventions this summer. Insurers say the law’s coverage has been a financial drain for many of them, and they’re setting the stage for 2017 hikes that in…